Making money online is very hard but not impossible, you hear all the success stories about how average people are making thousands of dollars every week from the convenience of their own home. Sometimes i wonder how true those stories are, and if they are i just wonder what makes those people that much smarter than me. I've been trying for the longest to get the secrets of the online money making mysteries, and i have had no luck what soever so far.
I've read so many articles, researched many websites, asked many questions and listened to many opinions, and all i've noticed that i've made someone else money all the time but not myself. Every tine i check with one of the so-called experts, all i hear is yes you did this, but you didn't do that, which of course requires more money spending and more frustration with minimal results.
Lots of people swore by blogs and Google AdSense, fine, maybe that is true, but how do you get visitors to your blog without spending bundles on advertising and search engines and pay per click. Bottom line, you will wind up spending thousands to make hundreds if you are lucky that is.
Money Blog Ideas